Tuesday, 3 January 2012

New RecipeBox Module for DotNetnuke websites

RecipeBox Dnn module is a community based recipe manager module.  RecipeBox module assist you to get rid of those old recipe cards hidden around your kitchen and keep all of your recipes in one a single place.  As a community based module, one can share his recipes with others in the same website.  

Use the RecipeBox module to organize and manage the recipes that you like, by storing all of them in your own recipe boxes.  Your personalized recipe boxes makes it easy and fast to keep recipes grouped for easy management, look up and printing.

Features of RecipeBox module

Input recipes and make them available for other members to view.
Add tips, ratings and reviews for each recipe.
Upload image files for each recipe.
Storing recipes in a recipebox allows you to manage and group different types of recipes for printing.

Version 1.12 Updates in RecipeBox Module:

Added Dotnetnuke 6 support.  Fixed several issues with the incompatibility with Dotnetnuke 6. 
Added the ability to tie a recipe to a category and to be able to search by categories.
Test the model all the way back to Dotnetnuke 5.2. 

Fixed issues related to various versions of the Telerik RadControls. 
Changed the Rating to support .5 increments instead of .1 increments.   This allows people to give a 5 star rating instead of a a maximum of 4.9.
Allowed skin support for the Telerik controls to correspond with the Telerik embedded skin support.

Version 1.1 Updates in RecipeBox Module:

Added facility to store recipes based on particular modules OR portal wide.
Ability to share recipes through email, face book and twitter.
Ability to search by cooking methods.
Added a latest recipes module.

Fixed the ability to insert additional courses/cooking methods/units.
Changed the method that ingredients are added to a recipe.  This should make the addition of ingredients to a recipe considerably quicker.

RecipeBox 1.12 (New) Image
RecipeBox 1.12 (New) by Marvici Enterprises, LLC
Price: $39.99
RecipeBox is a community based Recipe Management tool. Share and print recipes through your DNN portal....read more


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